
The scenery of the works of Keiko Minami is like an existing town or a forest somewhere in the world, and at the same time it looks like a scenery in one’s mind. The bird, the fish or the girl in her motif is mostly alone, and it exists in the middle of its own world. As if it knows what is the real happiness, it is in the clear state without being affected by anything.
The works of Keiko Minami (1911-2004) do not get old even at present time and continue being loved.
After meeting with Yozo Hamaguchi, who afterwards became a leading copper-plate engraver of the 20th century, Keiko Minami earnestly walked her way as a copper-plate engraver after the World War II in Paris. The scenery in her works are filled with full of eternal desire and will continue to be accepted as people’s spiritual home.

This is an exhibition of Yozo Hamaguchi’s copper-plate prints focusing on delicate colors.   After the World War II, Yozo Hamaguchi (1909-2000) settled in Paris and started copper-plate printing in earnest, and soon became an artist internationally appreciated.  It is known that Hamaguchi acquired by himself the technique of copper-plate printing, “mezzotint”, which expresses tints…

In this autumn, an exhibition of copper-plate prints and “words” is held. The motifs of copper-plate prints of Yozo Hamaguchi are familiar still lifes, such as cherries or woolen yarn, etc., and at the latter part of 20th century, his works became highly evaluated in many countries including France.  Casual, quiet and deep appearance of…

This is an exhibition of Keiko Minami (1911-2004), a copper-plate engraver who is in the spotlight in recent years in Japan.  Her works bring back slight loneliness and nostalgia for childhood to many people.  Her main motifs are trees, birds or girls which exist in the boundless sky.  They just exist there, without giving specific…

Red and Black・Attraction of Colors Sunday, 7 Feb - Sunday, 8 May 2016

Yozo Hamaguchi (1909-2000) is one of the leading copper-plate engravers in the 20th century. After the World War II, he was engaged in copper-plate engraving in earnest, and searched for mezzotint techniques through self-study. The mezzotint technique is called Manière Noir in French, meaning “black manner”, and he is the one and only artist who…

4 month in Paris HAMAGUCHI Yozo & AKIYAMA Shotaro October 10, 2015 - January 24, 2016



MINAMI Keiko Exhibition Sanpomichi July 18, 2015 - September 23, 2015

南桂子銅版画展 散歩道   南桂子(1911-2004)は富山県に生まれ、高等女学校時代から絵画や詩作を試みました。戦後、東京で油彩を発表していた頃に浜口陽三(1909-2000)を通じて銅版画の面白さを知り、1953年にフランスへ旅立ちます。それからパリで約30年、その後サンフランシスコに渡って15年制作し、数々の銅版画作品を生み出しました。叙情的な作品は、ユニセフの発行物に採用されるなど、今なお世界中の人々に愛されています。 南桂子の作品には、森や木々が繰り返し登場します。レースのような線でつづられた森、はしご状の林、音符のように実ったさくらんぼ。このような抽象を交えた形の面白さに加え、銅版画ならではの丹念な手仕事による淡い光の表現も、作品の魅力のひとつです。その光に包まれて森の情景に不思議な奥行きが生まれ、物語世界がはじまります。 今回の展覧会は、その森の小さな葉っぱや小鳥たちが主人公です。技法の解説や、細部を拡大したカードを見ていただき、作品の中に入り込むお手伝いをいたします。繊細な情景の中をこころゆくまで散策し、ささやかなモチーフから物語を想像しながらご覧ください。 南桂子の銅版画約50点と併せて、浜口陽三の銅版画約10点を展示します。    


Sense modern January 10, 2015 - March 22, 2015




浜口 陽三 (日本/フランスとアメリカ)
