Midsummer Cherries Shine in the Dark! -Yozo Hamaguchi Copper-plate Prints Summer Exhibition-  24 July 2019 (Wed) – 23 September 2019 (Mon)

Yozo Hamaguchi (1909-2000) is one of the leading copper-plate artists of the 20th century.  He moved to France in the 1950s and developed a new copper-plate engraving technique called color mezzotint, and he became successful worldwide.  Filled with quietness, his works seem to quickly enwrap the viewers, and are still known all over the world.  At this exhibition, approximately 40 pieces of copper-plate prints and lithographs are displayed, focusing on “Cherries” which appears in many of Hamaguchi’s works.


New presentation of the space is made for this exhibition so that the visitors will feel close to the world of the works.  In the exhibition hall, cherries are jumping out from the frames and floating at various places.  For both adults and children, please enjoy the exhibition as if exploring inside of the pictures.


In addition, as an event to colorize summer, young artist Shun Onozawa will present a performance art “Movement Act” at a venue, a mysterious world created by a total of 16 balls, which was a topic on the social media last spring.  Further, at the corner of the exhibition hall, visitors will be able to participate in the printmaking workshop “Small Mezzotint Starting from Rocking a Burin” (24 July to 25 August), and also to try “Coloring” (every day in August) that can be casually enjoyed.  At the Night Museum, original cocktails with the image of the exhibition using cherries and soy sauce are prepared at our café for a limited time with recipes of Shinobu Ishigaki.
