2018 Spring Exhibition Unforgettableness – Yozo Hamaguchi, Carolina Raquel Antich, Fuyuki Maehara, Kisho Mwkaiyama 16 Jan (Tue.) - 15 Apr (Mon.)


16 Jan (Tue.) - 15 Apr (Mon.)


Mondays (Without 12 Feb), 4 Feb (Sun.),13 Feb (Tue.)

Opening times

Tuesday to Friday 11:00-17:00
Saturday, Sunday, National holidays 10:00-17:00
*Last entry is 30min before closing time

Entrance fee

Adults: 600JPY
College & high school students: 400JPY
Free for junior high school students and under


Yozo Hamaguchi, a copper-plate artist representing the 20th century, selected cherries and yarn, etc. as his motif, and using color mezzotint technique, he produced a new world of works. Still life taking light on and emerges from darkness looks fresh even after half century.

At this exhibition, with a focus on Yozo Hamaguchi, works have been selected which take familiar things as their themes and make viewers recall something and evoke lingering memory.

Carolina Raquel Antich draws boys and girls appearing adolescent with a light touch using colors with transparency. It looks as if there are many feelings and stories included in the simple composition and the big blank space.

Fuyuki Maehara, focusing on things and scenery that happen to be seen in daily life, sculpts wood as if drawing sketches with a sense of humor. The sculpture carved from one piece of wood and colored with oil paint is even reproducing texture of the original materials and their aged deterioration, and his outstanding technique attracts attention.

Kisho Mwkaiyama has been consistently producing works expressing light remaining in invisibility. He feels the light reaching from far, and presents it with layering colors and wrapping with wax. Light is seeping out from the screen and brings a feeling of wrapping people in the place.

The space created by four artists will come across with viewers’ memories and images.

Please appreciate the works that will whisper into your piece of mind which has been kept in the back of a drawer.
