By adopting the Yamasa Drop of Freshness, no matter how many times you pour after opening it, air will not get inside due to the construction of this ground-breaking container.
Since air never touches the seasoning inside, it is protected against oxidization, the flavor and fragrance remains fresh and you can enjoy the the deliciousness for a long time.
Normally, with plastic bottles, air gets inside even when you only use the poured portions.
No matter how much you try to seal it up, air gets inside and oxidization takes place.
The Yamasa Drop of Freshness utilizes its special construction to make sure that air never gets inside no matter how many times your pour it.
The secret to the construction is the spout.
The inner container spout is a special thin film, which widens when you pour, but closes when you are done pouring, thus keeping air from penetrating into the pouch. That is, the flavoring remains inside of the spout because the film is stuck closely to it.
Furthermore, even if the container falls, not one drop of the flavoring inside will spill out. *Results may vary depending on how it falls and the volume inside.