Privacy policy

YAMASA CORPORATION and our affiliated companies (hereinafter “our company”) recognize the importance of personal information and considers appropriate handling of personal information to be an important duty. Our company works to protect personal information by painstakingly adhering to the following policies.

Compliance with laws, regulations and guidelines
When handling personal information, our company complies with laws, regulations,
the guidelines established by the Personal Information Protection Commission and
other applicable guidelines regarding the protection of such information.
Acquisition of personal information
To provide good service to our customers, our company conducts surveys, provides
email delivery services, distributes materials, offers various prizes or
receives offers, applications and inquiries about our business. As conducting
such activities, we may acquire customers’ personal information to the extent
necessary. When directly acquiring customers’ personal information in writing
(including screens on the homepage, email, etc.), we notify you in advance of
how it will be used.
Managing and protecting personal information
Our company manages customers’ personal information in an appropriate manner and
works to prevent that information from leaking from the company. Our company
also takes necessary and appropriate security control measures to protect
customers’ personal information from risks including unauthorized external
access, loss, destruction and alteration. For our specific security control
measures, please refer to the following “Measures for security control of
personal information”.
Use of personal information
Our company uses customers’ personal information only for the following
purposes, and we are fully careful not to impair customers’ rights.【Personal information acquired through application to campaigns, member
registration on official websites, etc. and inquiries】

  • Contacting prize winners and delivering prizes
  • Providing information about our products, campaigns, events, etc.
  • Providing member services
  • Distributing email newsletters
  • Responding to inquiries
  • Conducting surveys

【Personal information acquired through our facility tour】

  • Handling our facility tour

【Personal information of business clients】

  • Communicating as required for business purposes
  • Offering congratulations or condolence


  • The purpose customers are informed of when our company acquires
  • Processing statistically personal information in a form not specifying an

Our company may send certain information by email or other methods to customers
who have provided us with their personal information. If you do not like such
delivery, please let us know, and we will stop sending such information to you.

Providing personal information to third parties
Our company does not disclose or provide customers’ personal information to
third parties, unless such a customer agrees or disclosure is justifiably
requested based on laws and regulations. In the event our company provides
personal information to outsourcing contractors, our company prevents leakage or
another disclosure of the information from outsourcing contractors by such
methods as entering a confidentiality agreement and imposing confidential
obligation on such contractors and exercises necessary and appropriate
supervision over such contractors.
In the event of providing statistical information to others, our company
provides only statistical information in a form not specifying an individual.
Shared use
Personal information acquired from customers may be shared with not only our
company but also affiliated companies as follows:

【Users of the shared information】

< Affiliated companies >

  • Yamasa Europe B.V.
  • Rikki.USA, Inc.

【Purpose of use of the shared information】

  • Purposes of use described in the article “Use of personal information”

【Contents of the shared information】

  • Your address, name, age, sex, date of birth, phone number, email address and
    other information acquired from you.

【Person responsible for management of the shared information】

    2-10-1 Araoicho, Choshi, Chiba, Japan.
    Naoyuki Ishibashi
Disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information
If a customer requests disclosure, corrections, etc. (correction, addition or
deletion), discontinuation of use, etc. (discontinuation of use or erasure),
discontinuation of provision to a third party or disclosure of records of
provision to a third party of his or her own personal information, please
contact “the customer service center of YAMASA” described below, then our
company will respond promptly to a reasonable extent according to laws and
Measures for security control of personal information
Our company takes security control measures to manage safely customers’ personal
information as follows:  

1. Setting up internal rules
Our company sets internal rules about how to handle personal information at
each step such as acquisition, use, storage, provision and disposal.
2. Development of internal systems
Our company assigns persons in charge of management of personal information
and manages internal systems to respond promptly if leakage, etc. are found.
3. Periodical monitoring of management systems
Our company monitors periodically how personal information is managed
4. Education of employees
Our company educates and shares information with, employees, regarding
management of personal information by providing periodical trainings.
5. Prevention of unauthorized external access, etc.
Our company introduces security systems to prevent unauthorized external
access, etc.
6. Understanding of external environment
When handling personal information in foreign countries, our company takes
security control measures based on understanding of laws and regulations
regarding the protection of personal information in such countries.
With regard to our handling of customers’ personal information, our company will
review and improve the preceding articles when appropriate. Accordingly, this
privacy policy may be modified without prior notice. We appreciate your
Inquiries about how our company handles personal information, requests of
disclosure of personal information, other requests or complaints regarding
personal information will be accepted at the customer service center of YAMASA